Suggested movie: The Imitation Game


Genre: Biography, Drama ,Thriller
Directed by: Morten Tyldum
Written by: Graham Moore
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode
Runtime: 1hr. 54 min

I think one of the best movies for 2014, 'The imitation game' is a movie based on the true story of Alan Turing , an English mathematician who during World War II tries to crack the Enigma code and was later prosecuted for homosexuality.

+Plus for this movie: Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing is outstanding and in some parts heartbreaking.

I have read a lot of reviews and comments pointing out that the plot of the movie is inaccurate, but based on this story, this movie shows the events that changed the history and without this man , you couldn't be able to read this on your Turing machine.

I know it's not ordinary. But who ever loved ordinary?

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