1. The butterfly effect II (2006)

A second, and even a third movie, which they actually made, was completely unnecessary. Rather than being sequels, the two subsequent films turned out to be a repeat of the same movie with different actors, and it got worse with each retelling.

2. The hangover part II (2011)

As I am not a huge fan of comedies, I found the first Hangover movie a really good one and I could say one of my favorite comedies. But... the part II is just a bad copy of the first movie. Replaying the same story but in this case in a different city, same jokes etc. But this time it wasn't even funny...

3. Pocahontas II (1998)

Truth is that I haven't even watched the whole movie. If you are a fan of the Disney 90's movies like I am then probably you will be completely disappointed with it. After a whole first movie about the war for the love of Pocahontas and John, in the second movie she falls in love with an other guy...Really Disney? And no, I don't care if the second movie was more historically accurate.

4. American Wedding (2003) 

Same as the Hangover, the first American Pie movie is a good comedy. A big negative for the American Wedding is that one of the main characters didn't even participate. Some of the joke scenes of the movie are even disturbing. 

1) It's a wonderful life

When George Bailey falls on hard times and gets dissappointed, an angel shows him that there's more to life than material things.

2)The polar express

The polar express follows a young boy on an adventure of a lifetime to the North Pole as he learns that anything is possible if you just believe.

3)Home alone

8-year old Kevin McCallister fills his house with traps in order to catch two burglars who want to rob his house on Christmas while he's home alone

4) Elf

is about Buddy's journey to finding his real father in New York after growing up with the elves at the North Pole and learning that he's not actually an elf.

5) The Holiday

A romantic comedy about two women on opposite sides of the globe that after being under a tough breakup they decide to swap houses during the holiday season.

Genre: Biography, Drama ,Thriller
Directed by: Morten Tyldum
Written by: Graham Moore
Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode
Runtime: 1hr. 54 min

I think one of the best movies for 2014, 'The imitation game' is a movie based on the true story of Alan Turing , an English mathematician who during World War II tries to crack the Enigma code and was later prosecuted for homosexuality.

+Plus for this movie: Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing is outstanding and in some parts heartbreaking.

I have read a lot of reviews and comments pointing out that the plot of the movie is inaccurate, but based on this story, this movie shows the events that changed the history and without this man , you couldn't be able to read this on your Turing machine.

I know it's not ordinary. But who ever loved ordinary?

If you are tired of the predictable plots that the most romantic movies have, here are some movies with love stories ... 'out of the ordinary' !

1Secretary (2002)

Looong before "50 shades of grey", this movie shows a BDSM relationship. Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal) finds a job as a secretary for an eccentric lawyer, James Spader, after being hospitalized for a dangerous self-harm incident. E. Edward Grey (J.Spader), turns out to be a dominant and makes his secretary his sexual submissive.

2. Fur:an imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus (2006)

Diane Arbus (Nicole Kidman) is a photographer that seeks out the beauty in things and people that the society finds obnoxious. She starts a relationship with the man living upstairs (Robert Downey Jr.) who is suffering from hypertrichosis, which means that his whole body is covered with hair. (!)

I mean...who wouldn't have fallen in love with those eyes? 

3. Her (2013)

Ok...I think it's obvious why this movie is on the list. Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) is a man who develops a relationship with Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) an intelligent computer operating system. As he spends a lot of time with Samantha, she (or it?) develops a unique personality and he eventually falls in love with her. 

"Falling in love is a crazy thing to doIt's kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity."

 4. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)

Joel (Jim Carrey) finds out that his ex-girlfriend, Climentine (Kate Winslet) has had her memories of their relationship erased from her brain via an experimental procedure. Feeling really desperate, he decides to have the same procedure done to himself. As he journeys back into his past, Joel regrets his decision... 

5. The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)

I know you're probably thinking that from all the disney movies (aka Beauty and the BEAST, The little MERMAID,...etc) why i picked Claude Frollo and Esmeralda as a "weird" love story. Actually this "love" story or better a lust, is one-sided as Esmeralda has obviously no feelings for him.Watching this movie as a kid , I have never realized that this guy has a huge crush on her. Well, i think it's pretty obvious if you listen to the song "Hellfire" :

Now gypsy, it's your turn
Choose me or

Your pyre
Be mine or you will burn

And also if you take under consideration that this dude burned the whole Paris in order to find her.
Frollo issues Esmeralda his final ultimatum: either she must accept his love or she shall hand her over to the authorities.
This scene from this song put the movie up for a PG-13 rating.